
Frequently asked questions

A B2B On Bench Staff Marketplace website is a platform that connects businesses with skilled professionals who are currently available for project-based work. These marketplaces offer a pool of pre-vetted talent with varying levels of expertise in different fields, including software development, graphic design, project management, and more. The professionals listed on these marketplaces are available for immediate hiring, reducing the time-to-hire for businesses.

B2B On Bench Staff Marketplace websites work on a simple model where businesses can browse through a list of professionals who are currently available for work. The marketplace presents a list of qualified candidates to the businesses, and the businesses can select the right talent for their project. Once the business selects a candidate, they can start working together. The marketplace usually takes a commission or a percentage of the project cost for providing its services.

B2B On Bench Staff Marketplace websites offer many benefits to businesses looking to hire skilled professionals. Some of these benefits include access to a pool of available talent, quick hiring processes, and cost-effective staffing solutions. Additionally, businesses can hire talent for a specific project without any long-term commitment, making it a flexible staffing solution.

The service provider company can have an agreement with the client and can work on his/her mutually agreed terms and conditions as we are connecting companies directly with on-bench staff employers.
Note: Our platform serves as a listing provider for bench staff and service providers. Any payment dispute that may arise between the client and the service provider will be the sole responsibility of the parties involved. Our platform will not be held liable for any monetary claims, refunds, or damages resulting from such disputes. We strongly recommend that clients and service providers agree to payment terms in writing prior to initiating any work or services. In the event of a payment dispute, clients and service providers must resolve the issue directly between themselves. Our platform reserves the right to terminate any user account found to be in violation of this policy.

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